Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Day 4 - Traquair to West Linton

When I came to Scotland for work a few years ago, my dad and I were surprised at how kind everybody was.  You couldn't walk by anyone without getting a "Good day" or "Hello".  We have had to rely on this kindness the last couple of days and haven't been disappointed.  Our plan this morning was to wake up, walk down to Traquair village for breakfast and to fill our water bottles which had been empty since arriving at campos at night.  When we got down off the "hill" we asked a young boy for directions and he let us know it probably wouldn't be open for a few hours.  We asked if he would mind filling some water bottles for us, and he came back with full bottles and a box of breakfast bars he insisted we take.  When we got closer to the tea house I had planned on eating at we saw that the boy was right.  A kind gentleman agreed to refill our bottles and threw in two bananas to boot.  Thank goodness for all of their kindness.  It would have been a miserable morning without their help.

We made short work of the walk - about 15 km to Peebles.  We walked along the River Tweed pretty much the whole way.  

River Tweed

As we were walking by a golf course we watched a couple of golfers having a round by themselves.  I guess that's how much they love it... 

Cardrona Golf Course

On the way into Peebles around noon we stopped for a blue Powerade (SO GOOD!) and then for lunch.  We kept it Scottish today - lasagne (Ben), haddock baguette (JM).  The weather here was sunny, no clouds, and about 28 C by noon.  We would have not made it another 18 km to West Linton so, as planned last night, got a lift the rest of the way.

Once at our B&B we had showers (we both desperately needed one), threw a load of laundry in, napped, and watched TV - pretty luxurious for a couple of wannabe hill walkers!!

Tomorrow we are headed to Edinburgh, via the Pentland Hills.  I am really looking forward to getting the first view of the city from the hills.  Hard to believe we will be out of the Borders into the Edinburgh/Lothian area.  We really enjoyed this peaceful and friendly part of the country, and will be a little sad to leave it behind.

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